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"Immediately Transfer Chandigarh To Punjab": Bhagwant Mann vs Centre

Focus is attempting to "upset the equilibrium" in the organization of Chandigarh, Bhagwant Mann said


Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann today moved a goal in the Assembly, looking for the quick exchange of Chandigarh to Punjab, blaming the middle for attempting to "upset the equilibrium" in regulating the Union Territory.

The large move by Mr Mann fourteen days after he took over as Chief Minister comes in the midst of the continuous tussle between the middle and Punjab to control the Union Territory which fills in as the capital of Punjab and adjoining Haryana.

At the focal point of this tussle is the middle tweaking administration rules for workers of Chandigarh organization, giving them similar advantages as their partners in focal government.

In his notification for the goal, Mr Mann has expressed that under the Punjab Reorganization Act 1966, the province of Punjab was redesigned into the territory of Haryana, the Union Territory of Chandigarh and a few pieces of Punjab were given to the then Union Territory of Himachal Pradesh.

"From that point forward, an equilibrium was referenced in the organization of normal resources like Bhakra Beas Management Board via giving administration positions in an extent to the chosen people of State of Punjab and State of Haryana. Through a considerable lot of its new activities, the Central Government is attempting to disturb this equilibrium," he said in the notification.

The Chief Minister brought up that the middle has promoted the posts of individuals from Bhakra Beas Management Board, which were generally filled by officials from Punjab and Haryana, to officials of all states and the middle government.

"Additionally, Chandigarh organization has generally been overseen by the officials of Punjab and Haryana in the proportion of 60:40. Notwithstanding, as of late Central Government has presented external officials on Chandigarh and has presented Central Civil Service Rules for the workers of Chandigarh Administration, which goes totally against the comprehension before," he said in the notification.

The most recent tussle began after Union Home Minister Amit Shah's declaration last week that representatives of Chandigarh organization will get similar advantages as their partners working in Central government, with Opposition parties in the state asserting that this will weaken Punjab's case on Chandigarh and that it conflicts with the soul of federalism.

The decision AAP, which raged to control in Punjab in the new political race, asserted that this was a frenzy response by the BJP after the survey results. The Congress and the Akali Dal, as well, went against the move.

Punjab government will battle unequivocally for its "legitimate case over Chandigarh", Chief Minister Mann said before.

In his declaration, Mr Shah had said that the retirement period of workers in Chandigarh will be raised from 58 to 60 years and ladies representatives will get youngster care depart of two years, up from this one year.

He had said these advantages were a "long-forthcoming interest" of representatives of the Chandigarh organization.

The new assistance rules were advised Tuesday and will supplant the previous arrangement of rules from tomorrow.

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